
The graduation ceremonies were as boring as I expected
them to be.A few peolple I knew got some awards,but -it was
never anything to get thrilled about,I couldn’t wait until
. tomorrow night when me and the gang goes to the soccer game*
We haven’t gone to a game in over a year,and we’re all iook-
ing forward to it.It’s been such a long time since we -went to one that we’re, probably all going to get lost*I got* to sit at the very top. o.f the. .seats. during graduation so I could see
T ■* everything that was going on.Rick Stewart sat next to me,and
the only thing I can say about -him is that he farted 13 times
during the whole two* hour ceremony .The. funniest par it a bout
• - - - it was. that no one could figure out that it was him, and I
lust kept my mouth shut until someone figured out who. it.was.
After graduation,people seemed to just disappear. from t the. auditorium and reappear across town at the party that everyone. expected to. be. bad,but it turned out, to be one of the greatest party’s I ever went to..
I drove, to the party in my car that my dad gave me far
graduation the day before .The par.ty- was- at a place, .called,
"The Fleabags"The restaurant had a pretty good name around
town,even with i t’ a name.The enterance door made you look, like you were on fire because of all the black lights glowing. on you.On the way-in,I couldn’t help noticing a bunch of suits of armor lining the enterance passage ir*.I assume.
- -is-i. *
there was no one in them,but I didn’t stop to look.I decided
£ looked like a calypso going in,and v/hen I opened the door
in, I decided I looked like the only normal person in the whoile
— —"C5s?S — place.Just as I expected,Paula Dixon ran up jso me and dragged
- me to a seat..We were sitting at the counter snrtfAfter we had sat there for a few seconds-,I thought I heard something break behind the counter where I couldn't see it.I knew I shouldn't look,but 1 dared to, take a look over the edge of the counter on the floor.As I slowly looked over the edge,the first thing I saw was some broken glass,then I saw a shoe(With a foot in it).After I moved a few more inches,! knew I wouldn't be a-
bie to see who. was behind the counter,and then I discovered
- Author
- mark thomas